I have noticed that exporting directly from Rhino to PDF with the print command, and saving with CUTEPDF or ADOBEPDF or one of those converts your vectorial lines into pixelated lines…
Thought I could save myself from exporting to illustrator and setting line widths directly in Rhino…
Yes, I understand this but when exporting in vector vs. raster, I seem to loose a lot of line weight quality and my drawings print much “flatter”. Raster seems to have a better representation quality. Is there a way to mitigate that? Thanks for your help as always.
Interesting…When I submitted these and downloaded they look the same but on my adobe they look completely different. See screenshot. Is this an adobe issue? Line weights are way too heavy and illegible. I have messed with all the scale settings. Help would be appreciated.
Adobe Acrobat has a setting where it thickens lines that it thinks are too thin for better legibility. It pretty much ruins any architectural drawings that it comes in contact with. If you turn that setting off things should look better.
Yes, that is what I have been reading after realizing it could be adobe and how to alter hairlines. So everyone that I send this to has to change settings? That doesn’t seem realistic. Any further advice?
If you have indeed looked this up you can see that no there’s nothing else to do. This has been a known Acrobat thing since 3. The only options are to turn your linework into shapes(which sounds terrible,) or if the big issue is with how it’s going to look on screen send a rasterized image instead.