PDF Vector Export Problem - Hidden lines

Hi guys Im trying to export a 3d view of my model in pdf vector to manipulate it later in illustrator…etc. My problem is when I try to export it I activate the option of “vector” but then the pdf results with the model as it was in wireframe display mode, and that is not what I want.

I know “make2d” but my model is too big and it crashes when trying to make it, so my only option is exporting a pdf. Ill attach a pic for you to see the problem:

left is the model as I see it in Rhino (and how I like it to be) and right is how I get it in pdf :frowning:


Hi Tomás -

I’m afraid that, for now, using Make2D is the only way to get what you need. I’m not seeing any crash reports from you. Are you sending those in?

Its not that it “crashes” and closes the program but make it unresponsive, freezes the system and force me to quit…
Thank you for your fast reply!