There are still draw order bugs in PDF printing and it is really frustrating to never be able to trust neither the viewport nor the “WYSIWYG” preview of the print dialog.
Hi guys, we are having difficulties on multiple machines and on multiple files, but there are little response on this from both users and developers, so I wonder if we are either the only ones experiencing this or the only ones using this a lot… Any ideas?
It is really frustrating to always having to double check every pdf, and we basically have to print all drawings to PDF prior to plotting since we can not trust Rhino’s previews when printing to printers.
You are right, printing to image (jpeg) shows the correct version, so it might be using the same order as viewcapturetofile AND the little preview is right too…
The moment I switch to RhinoPDF, AdobePDF or any physical printer then the preview alters too. (But it is not the same as the printed result though…)
Here I even discarded all draworder data to see if that affected something and as you can see SOME of the bushes are drawn on top. (they are on the same Z-height and are blocks made in this file, not referenced and not “old”)
@stevebaer can you please help out with getting this back on the table?
It is killing me that I always have to inspect every single file and element in an exported PDF…
And I really mean that you guys can not let this pass for V6, it is a crucial part of our production and waiting a few years for it to be fixed in V7 would be devastating.
The draw order functionalities are still very much incapable of outputting a drawing with lines in the proper display order. This has been very frustrating for many years. Will Rhino 7 fix this bug? Will there be an update for Rhino 6 that fixes it?