Parametric Wall Facade Based on Polyline and Three Parametric Profiles

Hi, I am an architecture student new to grasshopper and was wondering if anyone is able to help create a script that follows what is shown in the sketch below?

The main idea is for there to be three profiles, each that can be controlled through either a seed or a drawn polyline, and that there then be more profiles (generated automatically) that will bridge the gaps between A B and C respectfully. The other point would be to have the height of these profiles be defined between two polylines as shown in the elevation sketch.

I know this is a big ask but any help would be appreciated! Also if there are any references that anyone could point to that could help that would be great too!


Well …

If I got it (?) correctly (?) your goal is to create a “wave” like (with regard the bottom limit) collection of louvers (shaders ? other ?). If yes I would suggest to do it via a single alum profile.

BTW: what is the right most sketch? a Section? And by what means these louvers would be attached to the main facade? Are they fixed or they rotate? (avoid that at any cost: since smart glasses start to gain momentum etc etc). Remember: a proper triple glazing with mini louvers (between first/sec glass) is by far the rational engineering solution for saving (???) the polar bears ( Schuco is the King for that type of stuff)

Moral: far more explicit sketches are required.

Yes it simple terms the goal would be to create a “wave” using the three profiles shown on the right most sketch (that was just to show what the three profiles in theory could look like). We are still in the preliminary period of the studio so I am not sure on how they would be connected to the actual facade, but they would be fixed elements unable to rotate. I’m more so struggling with creating a script that will create the “wave” with three specified profiles. I’ve found examples and youtube tutorials on doing so with 2 profiles, but am not sure how to include the third profile. Here is the script I was able to replicate,
wall (13.6 KB)

Is this what you are looking for? Getting that bottom edge to behave is a bit tricky.
Pufferfish has a “loft with guide curves” tool.

ProfileWall.3dm (36.2 KB) (4.6 KB)

That is definitely the form and profile control I am looking for, the only difference is that the wall itself would be composed of slats (almost as if the profiles were cut from plywood). But this is so helpful thank you!!

Well … think Plan B: deal with the modules on a per vertical Module basis … and since these days 3d printing (with Load Bearing capabilities - at least with regard wind pressure etc etc) is a reality … design your stuff without the restriction of 3 “basic” (or more) core items (+ the “connecting” parts ). That way (at no extra cost) your stuff may look far more interesting (but some sort of Solar shading study is a must: provide some rational reason for these things etc etc). Plus the bottom limit should be a curve and not a “linear” Polyline (that contradicts with the curvy Topology of your Modules). Plus just “follow”" the bottom limit and not restrict 100% the Modules on that.

if I was you: I would “engulf” the facade with something “like” this (shown a Phillips ocean wave simulation as Mesh - obviously a far more “detailed” result is required for the occasion) Or some Simplex/Perlin Noise Mesh/Surface etc etc.

An abstract random Simplex Noise is “like” this (Note: big distortion value used for clarity) :

But have in mind that “louvers” like these require exterior aisles (for more than obvious reasons: cleaning the facade glass panels).

Try this too.
I started with four curves built in Rhino.
But, of course, they can be generated directly in GH.
wall fins (17.5 KB)