Panels issue

I would like to have those two pannels showing at the same time, but it seems there is no way to duplicate the properties pannel. (see photos)
Any way to extract User attributes AND have the proprities toolbar show at the same time?


I need this in order to view the name of an object (and other properties, and also edit attributes fast.

Pls Help, or create a request ?

thanks a bunch.

Hi Vlad -

You can have as many Properties panels as you’d like. You’ll need to put these into separate containers:

The problem, though, is that a given instance of the panel will not remember to open a specific tab when a different object type is selected.

The request is on the list in a few different forms.
RH-62413 UserText: Display the Attribute User Text Key-Value pairs in a separate panel
RH-39315 Advanced Attribute Panel
RH-74462 Make Attribute User Text a stand alone static panel