Paneling Polysurfaces of Trimmed faces

I got the following question from user, and I will post the answer below since this is rather common question.

"I boolean unioned spheres together on rhino and then used paneling tools on them to create a structure. However, the paneling tools creates a grid for the entirety of each sphere, as if it remembers each of the spheres before i unioned them together. Do you know how I can get it to panel only what I unioned together?

a confused user of Rhino"

The confusion is totally understandable.

After boolean, the surfaces of the original spheres (before trimming) are remembered. To check, explode the 2 spheres, move apart, you can now use “UntrimAll” command to go back to the original spheres. If you use PointsOn command, you can see the NURBS structure of the underlying surface.
In surface modeling that Rhino uses there are 2 parts to each surface:

  • The underlying NURBS surface (clean rectangular topology)
  • Trimming information to define the “active” part of the surface.

One of the things PanelingTools allow is to create grids and panels based on the surface “domain”. That always uses the underlying surface to generate the grid. With the bigger grid, you can still use the trimmed surface to trim the panels.

Now, if you need to panel using the polysuface as a whole and ignore the domain of individual surface of the faces, then you can use other workflows also supported by PanelingTools to generate the grid and panels

Here is a breakdown of one workflow that works with two booleaned spheres.
PT_Polysurfaces_Workflow.3dm (1.1 MB)


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I’ve been exploring the forum for a few days to achieve surface grids without concentration of points on them.

I have been trying to find some means of creating a grid on a rather irregular surface, where the only purpose is to correctly space the points and generate the most uniform mesh

PT_Polysurfaces_Workflow.3dm (1.8 MB)

How successful was this for you? You’ll have some disjoined rows of points (2 top circles)

hi @rajaa

I just intercepted a collection of curves in X and Y; Paneling tool which tool is used to name these points in order that they can generate a more organized grid?

Can you share your file? Typically it is much easier to create the grid within PT than to generate the points, then name them.

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PT_Polysurfaces_Workflow.3dm (1.7 MB)

It turns out that these points have a reference name. How can I put that reference to the new grid of points?

If you are after a clean mesh, try the new Quad Remesh in Rhino 7.0 WIP ommand/85601

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but the idea of a uniform mesh is to extract the points to generate a grid where the panels in the poles are not compressed :slightly_smiling_face:

the same goes surfaces that taper

Here is another workflow that uses projections in 2 directions (141.2 KB)

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hank you I will explore this approach
I have an other question,
if for example this model has symmetries how to use that symmetry to completely close the solid in gh?

Can you post an example?

Mirror-sort-name point.3dm (414.3 KB)

Try something along these lines (39.1 KB)

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Hello, thank you very much but look that when I change the component to morph 3d the curves fail. Can you explain to me why the error is due? :smile: (42.1 KB)

You has a couple small bugs marked below:
1- The module to morph needed to be one curve to simplify data structure.
2- You needed to graft the input of angles to have proper data structure matching in the rotation.

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