Output 3D objects in 2D as you see them

I’m aware that Make2D exists. But it outputs curves only. it means that you lose the surface and with that, its color.
Projection also is a thing but it processes stuff behind other. I want to export my viewport, exactly as I see it, as a PDF file.
Printing in raster mode is really not great + not vectorised drawing (duh). If you have a fix for that, I could make a compromise… RhinoPDF raster compression control.

The problem is you can’t vector output 3D surfaces because it does an X-ray view and if you input hatches, there is a weird layer logic that i donc understand and don’t really want to :

It’s supposed to look like this, there must be a way.

Anyone having the same trouble, wanting to do the same thing ?
Thanks for your time.

It’s not possible(well at this point it’s probably possible for someone to do with with machine learning) there’s no relationship between raster rendering and vector drawings, there’s just none. The “linework” in the shaded view modes are really weird shadows or something, they’re not actual curves in any way. Might as well be asking if you can export a viewport to hand-made clay sculpture.

A raster image that looks like a vector drawing is best you can do.

Those “shadows” are actually single surfaces in different layers that have different colors.
I’ve actually take care of all the “rendering” part of the problem. All I want is seen surfaces on a flat plane… Basically projection but without the “behind” things.


Ciao @mdrlaD ,
don’t know if the attached pdf are what you need (it’s a mix between raster and vector output… I use this method to print pdf with low raster and vector edges so the file is very small but with a good quality).
Test_Raster+Vector_600dpi.pdf (632.8 KB)

Test_Raster+Vector_300dpi.pdf (187.1 KB)

You can see that 300dpi is 3 times smaller than 600dpi.
To obtain that I use Layout with a custom display setting (I’ve made one that is similar to what you need; try importing the ini file attached).

Flat_Toons_Color.ini (12.9 KB)

The workaround is this:

  • Open a layout
  • Prepare the view that you need in a detail
  • Before closing the detail (with double click) use Make2D to obtain the “wireframe” of the objects and cut from the scene (CTRL+X)
  • Double click on the detail to go back to layout workspace and paste the lines that are in the clipboard (CTRL+V)
  • Now you have the detail with the shaded objects and the “wireframe” as curves
  • Align the curves on the detail (use Osnap) and Scale the wireframe at the same size of the objects in the detail
  • Now, when you print with Rhino PDF, the output will be a file with raster+vectors

Raster_vector_test.3dm (969.6 KB)

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