How the stuff is organized… On the Latest button, I get stuff in date order, good. However, I don’t understand why some titles are in blue and others in gray. Also, for me, having Latest, New and Unread is confusing… OK, either I read it or not, but Latest and New? Latest shows me posts newer than a certain date, New are what…? For me, those are Unread… I just somehow have the feeling we only need two buttons here, not three. Also the auto “mark read” is still unreliable here, and it would be good to have a “mark all read” button somewhere.
I would like to have the option to be able to see a subset of categories. I might want to see Rhino for Windows and Rhino for Mac at the same time, but not not Meta or Grasshopper Developer at all. I don’t see a way to do this, right now, it’s either one or all. Or, to be able to more easily flip through the different forums, instead of the three bars button, have all that unused white space at the top used for buttons or tabs with each of the individual forums (less clicks, more visibility) - like a browser.
Allow users to permanently shut off the big blue “similar topics” popup box - just annoying.
The avatars under “Participants” don’t tell me anything if they’re generic, and if I was a new user I wouldn’t know the others either, so it’s mostly just useless pseudo-info. A real name of at least the original poster (as is used on most forums) would be far more useful.
Allow us to remove the “Participants” (avatars), “Likes”, “Views” columns, at the very least. The “activity” could be just the last post.
As Jørgen said, type size for the topic titles smaller.
I’m sure I’ll think of more as time goes on…