Object selection list visual feedback in Rendered mode


In Rendered mode, when the object selection list is displayed to provide a choice of the objects near the mouse pointer, the potential objects are not highlighted with edge lines. There is no visual feedback from the hovered list item to the model object. It is OK in Wireframe mode. This behaviour exists in all views on Mac and Windows. It was OK in Rhino V7.

Regards, Garry.

That seems to be working just fine here:

It is possible that you have changed for instance surfac edge settings for other modes

Reset your display mode settings and see if that returns the edges

@nathanletwory The setting was already Scale 2 for Rendered. I clicked Restore Defaults anyway, but the highlights are still not showing.

Regards, Garry.

Then you should post the results of the Rhino command _SystemInfo for further diagnosing.

@nathanletwory I had created the SystemInfo file, but forgot to attach it.

Regards, Garry.

SystemInfo.txt (5.0 KB)

That seems to be working just fine for extrusion objects here, but not for polysurfaces.
I’ll write it up.

EDIT: This is now on the list as RH-86697 Display: Choose One Object Highlight in Rendered