Is it possible to have the Rhino objection selection preview for meshes show silhouette only instead of seeing extra lines such as all the mesh edges in a mesh?
Hi Michael - indeed there are many better possibilities - we messed with some of these during V8 develpment but none worked well enough - yet! to go with.
Obviously the lines aren’t being true curves around corners, they are split segments, i’m guessing this is related to what i just posted about Pen/Monochrome broken silhouettes as well @Gijs ? I’m assuming the the silhouette code is used in a few different places, object highlighting here being one of them?
I’m curious if there’s a way to “boolean” the curves in the view plane of the camera so that only the outermost object bounds are shown (like in the “desire” example I posted earlier)
I’m sure this is fairly complicated to implement but boy it would be nice to have it polished out!
Ahh, thanks @pascal , it looks like this is quite a long standing item!
For reference here’s what it looks like in Unreal Engine:
You’ll notice that Unreal actually masks the “gumball” as well which I think is handy sometimes but overkill and the Rhino gumball is a cleaner look in my opinion.
Not trying to say “copy this please” but share as reference material.
@michaelvollrath the object highlight you show for the chair is actually pretty simple, if it is just one object, but what needs to happen when selecting multiple, what if overlapping, what if (partly) out of view, etc…
Fair points @Gijs , always more to it than meets the eye!
I do think you all are solving it pretty well in the Brep use case. Here I have two breps selected together and the “intersection edges” that traditionally would be highlighted are instead white/grey and the silhouette bounds the entirety of the selection:
Digging deeper, that bug looks to be related directly to the backrest being a block instance still, if I explode it further so it’s just a mesh, the highlight performs as expected.
Anyways, just sharing here the results from my recent testing.
Thanks for the work on this. I much prefer this method of highlighting over seen all the mesh edges and such and will be using this highlighting method moving forward.
Yes @TuomasLehtonen, but it’s R8 only I believe. The easiest way to enable is by going to Document Properties → Options → Advanced and search for “highlight” and all the properties you need to enable will be there in the search results.
Did you manage to get edges selection in subD properly highlighted when selected ?
for me [and I’ve been using this style for a long time now] I get this when selcting edges, hard to guess which are selected :
When I deal with 3d scan data with millions of polygons, I activate this very useful script that lets me switch on/off the selection highlights. However, it also does that with other types of object, so it may be a bit misleading sometimes due to the lack of a yellow outline.
Hello - yeah, mouseover highlight is in conflict with the menu in this case. With the highlight on, the highlighted object is the single selection candidate, hence no menu. There needs to be a way to suspend this. On top level selctions, Alt down to click shows the menu and overrides the highlight.