Rhino WIP 2017-Sep-19 is now available. Download Now.
New in this release:
- Detail: No ‘Two Point Perspective’ viewport option when changing view in Detail (RH-40395)
- ZoomSelected: Does not work on curve segments and mesh faces (RH-40225)
- Annotation:
- Annotation: Hatch: Scale hatches when changing model scales (RH-10472)
- Annotation: Text:
- ApplyDisplacement: Varies shown incorrectly in properties tab (RH-41420)
- BoxEdit: Slow to respond to selections (RH-38766)
- Core bugs:
- Cycles:
- Display:
- Eto: ImageView and ImageButton crash if bound to null datacontext (RH-41368)
- Export: PDF Export - Dimension and Leader arrows missing (RH-41392)
- ExtractConnectedmeshFaces: Workflow slower (RH-40905)
- File IO:
- Help: A keyboard Number pad is required for use of the expanding selected layer shortcuts (RH-41381)
- Insert: Remember the layer style (RH-41038)
- Intersect: Secret Subobject Problem (RH-41332)
- Licensing and Validation: Find a discoverable way to help V6 users switch from a stand-alone license to Rhino Accounts (RH-41057)
- Panels: Ground plane panel tune up (RH-41408)
- PointCloud:
- PointCloudSection: Add to the Curve from Objects menu (RH-20316)
- Print: Fraction bar missing (RH-41383)
- RDK: Decals applied to polysurfaces that have more than 2048 surfaces do not render (RH-40659)
- Rendering:
- Rendering: Materials:
- SDK: CRhinoUiLayerComboBox Unresolved external (RH-41352)
- SDK: RhinoCommon:
- Select: Sub curve option (RH-38244)
- SubD: SubDFromMesh in Rhino 6 Meta Issue (RH-41113)
- Toolbar: Make right-click for Explode match in all toolbars (RH-41308)
- ViewCaptureToFile: Progress dialog and re-render when in Raytraced mode isn’t needed (RH-34659)
- Zoo: CloudZoo Client: Switching to Rhino Accounts messaging (RH-40902)
- ZoomExtents: Repeated use of ZoomExtents keeps zooming out (RH-41393)
- Grasshopper: Add a curve domain setter component. (RH-40950)
- SDK: RhinoCommon: Add support for new bPersistentSelect flag with SelectSubObject (RH-28848)
Download Now and report any problems in this forum.