Video tutorials are hard to follow because it is not clear what Rhino command is running at the moment. Current command appears in the Command prompt and Command history for a small fraction of a second, and it is gone. This problem could be mitigated by displaying auto-updated help panel. Unfortunately, the instructors don’t want to display the help panel.
There may be better solution to this problem. The solution is illustrated in the following screenshot. The instructors turn on new pane, which I call tutorial pane. The tutorial pane does not exist yet - it is new feature to be made. This pane displays last command and current command with very big letters.
If you intend to record your own tutorials you can dock the Help panel with Auto-update checked. It’ll show the help-page of the command currently being run.
It is hard to figure out what commands Kyle Houchens is using, even if you slow down the video. I have sent email about the tutorial panel plugin to Kyle Houchens, but he ignored my email.
You will lose lots of screen real estate unless the command prompt window is narrow in the horizontal direction. (There is a bug which ignores last command-line options in the narrow window. This bug appears in long commands only.)
I believe that the best option is activating the auto-updated, context-sensitive help panel. The panel is shown below, in the upper-right corner.