I’m trying to achieve a model to use in a FEM program for a thermal simulation.
The model should consist of two closed geometries:
the pattern offset or thickened by 8 mm;
its negative cast adhering to both sides of the offset pattern.
Among the tries that I carried out until now, the most common error I noticed is that when I operate the component Mesh Difference between a scaled-down bounding box and the mesh offset with WB Mesh Thicken, 1) only one of the two surfaces of the mesh is used to generate a negative solid 2) this happens only when the scaled bounding box is below 0.30 (ca) as a scaling factor. My aim is instead, to have a solid negative filling adhering to both surfaces of the mesh + in a bigger bounding box (around 0.90/80 as a scaling factor). For the sake of the FEM analysis is important to have closed solids to be then converted into meshes.
Another aspect I would like to correct is the orientation of the offset/thicken mesh, is there a way to align its outer edges to the surface of the bounding box while still having a closed mesh?
Do you have any tips on how to work around this problem? Many thanks! NegativeCast.gh (1.5 MB)
thanks for showing me this new feature, it worked perfectly both for the negative cast I was trying to model and for aligning the outer edges of the mesh. Thank you so much for your fast reply too! I attach the 3dm and gh file with the solution. NegativeCast_Solved.3dm (16.9 MB) NegativeCast_Solved.gh (20.0 KB)