Need Help Building This Structure

Hi, I made a post earlier about lofting, but I figured that I should just ask about the entire structure instead. I am trying to make it more a contiguous surface. Right now it is a discrete mesh and or NURBS surface. I want to be able to make it into a SubD surface instead though.

Here are images.

This model would be for making an eggcrate style model for prototyping this shape for a school assignment.

Organic shapes like this would be easier to do in Sub-D. You can try to use QuadRemesh and then turn that into a Sub-D and then modify that one.

And post the file if you want other users to have a look and give you some help.

And what version of Rhino are you on? If on Rhino 8 you can try to use shrinkwrap first, before quadremesh, if the mesh isn’t a clean, closed mesh.