Hi guys, I and one of my friends have started modeling a drone. So we came across a problem that we couldn’t solve. We wanted to model the top part of the drone as a whole piece but as you can see in the picture it is kind of hard. Are there any suggestions to model that part more optimized way? Thank you from now.
Hello- it is hard to tell what you need from the images - please post your 3dm file here (public) or send to tech@mcneel.com with a link back to this topic in your comments.
I would model this in SubD if I were you.
That way you can tweak the entire skin to your liking.
And you can convert it to Nurbs for boolean operations when the shape is completed.
You can see and example model of a complex organic shape I made here:
There are some bits and pieces from the modelling shown in this thread.
Basically you think of a SubD shape as a 3 dimensional Nurbs Curve.
So if you follow the same rules for placing the controlpoints then you can get some really smooth yet detailed shapes from little input.
Rule of thumb(s):
Try to keep it quad based.
Keep it as simple as possible
Model in box mode and keep the boxmode as clean as possible. (junk in = junk out)
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Here you can see the biggest part, it is all one “shell”.