Modeling Topography in Rhino

Modeling Topo in Rhino using different techniques and allowing it to be easily manipulated later: MODEL TOPO IN RHINO|690x388

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Did you test Lands Design? It has Topo tools, too, as well as a panel to download terrain data.

I often use this Google Earth reverse engineering JavaScript to download GE data (it creates .obj files with textures), then rework it manually in Rhino.

Have you tried Gismo?
It enables creating the terrain based on latitude/longitude or address and radius:

You can find topo maps that have the height already in there. A better bet is to go to the local gis map site, and look there to download gis data. It is too time consuming to change each topo line. Another option is to use Meerkat plugin for grasshopper. Lands design works well, but it doesnt use polysurfaces, so it is not ideal.

Ill have to check out that script. I am not the biggest fan of Lands Design, it has a ton of functionality and is a good plugin, but dont like that it uses its own geometry type. For instance topo is not a surface. This makes you rely on the plugin too much, and its harder to do things outside of it. Just my opinion on Lands Design. The Patch tool works you just have to limit the area you are trying to do, or use grasshopper.

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