Modeling roof dome


I’m currently in the process of modeling a roof dome with rods in Rhino/Grasshopper. I have already modeled the intermediate nodes at the vertex. Now the yellow line should be created or copied radially at the points created. The base points of the yellow line are not known, but they are all on the same Z coordinate. What options do I have for modeling here?



A picture…no wait…code is worth a thousand words.

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the entire model is a building. The majority of the building is modeled in another program and is imported into Rhino as DXF. The roof dome made of (wooden) rods should be modeled using Grasshopper. There is only a little code so far:


The points now created should now be used to create arcs that run perpendicular to the divided line.
If my explanations are not understandable, I will try to make a sketch.

I now have an idea how I could model it.

First I create the red line, then all the green lines (radius) to the center. By intersecting the red and green lines, I create the blue line parallel to the purple line. By radially copying the original yellow line, I get the corresponding node points at the intersection of the blue and orange lines.
Maybe it’s not the best solution but I can’t think of anything better. Does anyone perhaps have another solution?

Roof Dome with (16.6 KB)

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