Model computes differently when uploaded to Shapediver

Hi. I have a bug with my models. When the model computes in Rhino it looks like this:

There are equal gaps between the green shapes and the text is divided into separate lines. However on Shapediver it looks like this (no gaps between the side shapes and three lines of text are now one):

Model in Shapediver

I believe the below component is the issue for the gaps.

Possible issue

Its basically a simple division by 2. If I change this to 4, then it looks good on Shapediver, but not on Rhino, although that breaks it for other setups anyway.

Now, the interesting thing is that the code computing the location of the corner points for these shapes has been copied from another grasshopper module, which is also in my Shapediver account and that computes exactly the same as the Rhino version.

I am completely baffled with what might be causing this - especially the text merging into a single line, which also has been copied from another model and that works fine on Shapediver.

Any tips of what I should be looking for?

Your account being linked to Rhino 6, the issue could be caused by working in Rhino 7 locally. Did you try to open your definition in Rhino 6?

If this does not explain the problem, I would need a link to the model with parameter values that show it (you could create a saved state and send me the link of the state).

Hi Mathieu,

My local Rhino version is 5. I have now resolved the issue - it was caused by a line having an opposite direction when uploaded to Shapediver - in Grasshopper I was joining two lines into one and locally lets say the direction of the line was (1, 0, 0), but in Shapediver, that was being flipped i.e.: direction was (-1, 0, 0). I have solved it by initially creating a single line from other components, rather than joining two lines.

I don’t know why the text wasn’t reading line breaks, so I’ve just split it into 3 separate components.

Just so that I don’t need to open another topic - is there a way to change the “sender” name in an email export component? At the moment its “ShapeDiver” when the email arrives, but can we change it to our company name?

Changing the email sender is currently not possible. We are working on some new features for the email component, I will file your request and we might be able to include it in the new version. I will let you know once we make progress.

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