Meld together

Hi guys!
I am wondering what is the easiest way to join 2 objects in the same logic as metaballs.
objects.3dm (683.3 KB)

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Pretty sure this can easily be done with @DanielPiker’s new Isopod plugin, albeit using meshes Isopod - implicit surface tools

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Thank you! That helps a lot

There is another problem that I have because the model is constructed with a lot of meshes when I NurbtoMesh it or use a gh code it creates tiny little surfaces. What may I do to have a whole polysurface. Because I want to unrolsurfaceuv geometry that I have, to construct a patch system to sew it in real life to test discretization theory. Thank you in advance you helped a lot!

You can try QuadRemesh. That can be converted into a SubD and then into polysurfaces

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I think beacuse it is a double curvature form it is hard to have it as one single surface, but thank you for your help!

Theoretically you could do this with a single surface but the workflow would be different. Why would you want a single surface?

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I am trying to unrollsurfaceuv to make different pieces, then sew them in real life with fabric. Basically, testing out how discretization works.

I am able to unroll them correctly when they are one single surfaces(left) but not able to do so if they are quadremesh subd surfaces(right) because it has lot of different pieces to unroll.

I also tried draping polysurface but that created a lot of irregularities on the unrolled surface