Issue merging surfaces


I want to construct a single surface from different patches in my model. Firstly I tried to construct the surface with Grasshopper using patchsurface which turned out to be way to big. Also, after trimming the surface, grasshopper and rhino kept on refereeing to the original surface.

That’s why I am now trying to construct the surface from scratch in Rhino, but I am clueless of how to merge the different surfaces.

Testrhino.3dm (158.6 KB)
Any input of how I should approach the problem would be highly appreciated!

Hi Arbr - you have overlapping surfaces - it is not clear what shape you want the result to have, but this seems at least possible - just guessing…

Testrhino_PG.3dm (158.3 KB)



Sorry for the vague description! I want the two lofted surfaces form a part of a sphere where they meet, meaning I have to introduce some kind of double curvature in the two loft surfaces and still merge everything together.


are you looking to do this?

if so, that’s a little different (at least in rhino terminology) than “I want to construct a single surface from different patches in my model”

Should it look like this?

but be one surface for some reason?


Hi jeff_hammond,

That’s exactly what I want to achieve in one surface!

I am sorry if I don’t have the terminology right, I have just got started in Rhino and Grasshopper. What would I ‘really’ like do to? And how did you do it?
