Material not Visible in Render View

Hi, I am trying to apply a material to the object which doesn’t show in rendered view.
Here are the options I tried which didn’t work.

  1. Restore Render View to Default
  2. Refresh All Texture
  3. Assigned Material by Layer
  4. Tried Moving Model to Different Layer
  5. Render as Rhino Render (Default)
  6. Copy to Different Layer

The red box on the left is created by creating a new layer.
As a result, I assume that the model on right has a problem which I can’t solve.

You are more likely to get meaningful help quicker if you post the results of Rhino’s SystemInfo command and your .3dm file (or at least a .3dm with the part that demonstrates the issue).

Rhino System Info:
Rhino System Info.txt (2.5 KB)

.3dm file

(Although it’s in rhino 7, it has same problem with rhino 8)

If you want to set material via layers you need to set your objects material reference to Use Layer Material. You have directly assigned the White material to your objects, so changing a material on the layer doesn’t change the materials on your objects.

Select all your objects, go to Object properties panel, from there to material settings and choose Use Layer Material.

Now when you change a material for a layer in the layer manager you’ll see that any objects on that layer will get the material.

Thank you!

solved ? mark Nathan s answer as solution, so others don t need to dig into the topic to see it s solved. thanks.

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