This is my first time using rhino for one of my classes. I’m trying to apply materials to my shapes and it won’t change it. From what I tried to search I couldn’t find anything on why it’s not applying the materials. Thanks
Hello - just making sure: are the objects actually on the layers that have the materials, and is that virewport set to ‘rendered’ mode? What happens in a full render (Render
Yeah, I have part of the bench selected in the view-port so you can see which layer it is on, and a full render gives the same view as you see here
Hm - and, the objects are set to use layer material? (Properties > material page) If so, can you send us the file? And, include a link back here in your comments, please.
I got something to work but not in the traditional way. If I select the objects I want to assign a material to I have to go the the materials tab and select the option “assign to object” and that will give the object a material that shows up in rendered view. I’ll still send the file because it still seems a little odd. I also noticed that new objects drawn in the same way the rest of the bench was do receive the layer’s assigned material.