In short, I have some objects with custom (unwrapped) mapping that I want to have the same texture size as the box mapped objects of the model.
In my models I usually use box mapping of 2x2x2, so that it exports nicely to Twinmotion.
Since box mapping doesn’t create a continuous texture from side to side, for objects that have materials like stone, tiles etc that I want to be continuous, I use custom unwrap, but the texture size becomes random.
Is there a way to match the size without having to eyeball it?
I also have the same problem when matching surface mapping with box mapping.
Alternative question: Is there a way to use box mapping with continuous mapping? (similar to the attached image)
MatchMapping removed the unwrapping seams and applied the box mapping of the other object.
My goal is to have an unwrapped texture, with the same texture size as the rest of the objects.
Thank you
Can you post a 3dm file with only a few box mapped and custom mapped objects in it that shows your issue? Also make sure a material with a texture is applied. You can select some objects and use the Export command to save the selection as it’s own 3dm file.
3 same box mapped objects and 3 same unwrapped objects.
I’ve included in the file a problem that i’m getting when applying edge softening or displacement to unwrapped object.
Here’s a video clip on how I’d get the same texture size on multiple objects with different mapping types.
Regarding the edge softening issue, I think there’s a bug. I’ve filed https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-82987 . In the meantime, use the command ExtractRenderMesh and you will get a mesh object matching your edge softening settings. Note that the mesh modifiers use the render mesh settings as a starting point so you can customize how dense that mesh is in the Properties panel first too.
Thank you so much for taking the time, and I’m very sorry for not replying sooner.
Having a personal Brian James tutorial is kind of an honor for us Rhino geeks
The method that you proposed works when I have duplicate objects to match the scale, but usually that’s not the case.
The best solution that I found so far is to measure one dimension of the object, and then scale the unwrapped surface to match the scale. To achieve a x2 texture size, i scale to length/2 ( for x3 I scale to length/3 and so on)
I’m attaching a recording of the solution below in case it helps someone.
Now, the problem that could be solvable:
Isn’t there a way to unwrap an object and have the unwrapping be by default in the correct scale? (1:1)
What defines this seamingly random initial texture scale?
I believe the only way to get a 1 to 1 UV mesh scale to that of the source object is to use a WCS mapping method which is based on model unit size rather than repeat. The reason for the default 0 to 1 texture space you get when unwrapping is something @Jussi_Aaltonen may be able to answer. I’ve also filed a feature request for a 1 to 1 option with custom UVs… https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-83093 Thanks.