UV mapping is not matching up in Twinmotion


I have this cylinder-shaped closed poly surface. When I UV-mapped it in Rhino and saved it as a .udatasmith file for Twinmotion, the materials were not applied correctly. Is there a way I can fix this?

Below is a part of the file I’m using
[it is in Version 8 SR12 (8.12.24282.7001, 2024-10-08) Educational ]

uv mapping prob rhino sample.3dm (4.6 MB)

This is a guess without Twinmotion installed here to test but what do you get if you scale the UVs in Rhino to be within the 0 to 1 UV space? This is the space indicated by the colored square in the Rhino UV editor. You would then change the repeat value in the material in TM or perhaps it would carry over if changed in the object properties > texture mapping section of Rhino.

I also filed this https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-67133 a while back regarding what worked and didn’t regarding UVs going over to Unreal Engine which is similar and may help with some ideas.

Actually @Nate_X , after looking deeper, the texture mapping issue exists in Rhino too. Where did you create these custom UVs? The fastest partial fix here would be to select all of the objects and switch the mapping type to Surface…

There will be some misalignments still because the tube walls are often several separate surfaces but it’s better. The only other solution I see is to Unwrap each with the long edge and ends selected as seams.

Thank you @BrianJ for looking into this.
I made the custom UVs in Rhino like this video shows then I used match mapping to apply the custom UVs to all of the objects

Below are the different results from your suggestions

And finally, Twinmotion 2024.1.2 was just released earlier this week and introduced Triplanar mapping the left tube is set to world tri-planar and the left is local tri-planar

Recording 2024-10-25 132539

I am unsure of the best way to make the final render look realistic. I think it may be best to unwrap along the seam and fit the UV to the tile.

This is how I’d Unwrap these objects. If you have a texture map that tiles seamlessly it will work best. MatchMapping will use the UV meshes of a source object but this won’t work in this case as the objects are not the same size and in the same location. I think you’ll either need to unwrap each or model the objects as single surfaces to then use surface mapping.


Thanks I’ll give that a try because the renderings I’ve made so far have not been as realistic as I was hoping for.

Hi @Nate_X

You might try if you haven’t already, is use some assets from either Quixel (now fab) they have some nice logs and branch objects or sketch fab they both have direct links within Twinmotion.

You could mix some of them into your project to make it more realistic. One thing is to try to cover the junctions where your logs meet especially where two different logs with different textures meet.

The ends of your logs in some areas seem too regular, too similar in size, you could try to add a few logs with different end cut styles instead of one cylinder cap for every log, maybe try displacement or hide the obvious areas with Quixel scanned logs.

Nice project looks like a public sculpture or installation. We have similar projects being done in some of the park districts in Chicago where kids get to help build or make there own from smaller cut wood that would be otherwise be landfilled.

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Hi @BrianJ

These little video shorts are great, thanks for making them.

It would be productive to have a web link to a place where we can view them all. Like a rhino rendering/texturing youtube page.

I know some are within discourse links or on youtube but would be nice to have a good rendering and texturing page with links to all of them, perhaps linked to youtube.

As time goes by it becomes harder to find these links/tutorials on this forum.

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Thank you for the recommendations. I was using 2K materials from the Megascans library, but I haven’t tried any Quixel assets. I will give that a try.