Hi! Im trying to match the texture of a smaller surface with a bigger mesh exported from the blender/google earth workflow
But when i try to adjust it it seems there is always something off. The mesh has a surface mapping with a perfect square image, instead for the smaller surface i tried applying a planar mapping from top and grabbing the exact size of the bigger square but it doesn’t quite match the texture bellow, i attach screencaps from the different texture mapping settings
Hi Daniel - planar mapping should work - apply the same plane to both objects. Apply planar mapping to the larger object - assuming that is actually what you want - and then MatchMapping the smaller one.
Thanks for the reply! applying planar mapping modifies the texture on the bigger mesh and that one is the one i want to keep, i actually want the smaller surface to adjust to that projection and match the bigger one! Running the matchmapping command doesn’t return any effect on the smaller target surface
Nevermind, managed to import the original image to rhino and matched it to the bigger mesh so i could use the size of the image as guide for the planar projection. Thanks still for the suggestions!