Unwanted Repetitive Texture Mapping

Hi forum
I am trying to create a grid using repeating strips. Because the elements are identical and have the same orientation, a material using box mapping always displays the exact same texture pattern, which is, of course, not realistic.
Is there a mapping I could use on this object starting from a single material? Or what other solutions could work to make the texture vary across the identical strips?

I found the solution.

  • cancel the box mapping of the image texture, set it to mapping channel 1
  • in the mapping ribbon of all the object’s object properties, select “unwrap”
  • select the entire thing to select all the seams
  • select the UV editor in the mapping ribbon
  • draw a square on the Cplane to control the mapping, but leave as is. The voodoo-meshes are already spread out on the texture image by default
  • change the “UVW repeat” values so that the scale of the texture becomes as desired

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