Deafault texture mapping type

Is there an option to set a default texture mapping mode for new objects, as opposed to Surface mapping? In 99% of cases I happen to use Box mapping with identical settings, and currently I just run a script that assigns the desired settings to everything, but in heavy scenes it sometimes crashes when i modify many objects and feels like a workaround.
I could imagine it as an entry in the Advanced Rhino Options, which lets user specify the default mapping mode

Hi Robert- no, currently there is no such control in Rhino. Would you expect something like Box to use a bounding box per object?


Hi Pascal!
not necessarily, a Box mapping with default settings would solve it for me.
Usually all of the objects sharing the same material will have the same mapping. I’m happy to adjust the size of the box and rotations manually where necessary, but in archviz wokflow most objects are fine with default box mapping, and often textures come in some preset realworld size like 2mx2m.
For concrete, plaster gravel etc I don’t really care about rotation, it comes into play with wood, bricks and so on, where in any case I need to check it manually to work out the corners and so on.
Don’t know about other rendering packages, but Vray lets you do some uv scaling and tweaking on the level of material, so in my workflow, if I have a texture set in particular size I scale it in vray so that it fits the 2x2x2 box mapping and I’m free to quickly swap materials to test different options.
I hope this explains a bit my workflow! :slight_smile:

Hi Robert - it may be that what you are after is textures that use WCS mapping -


thanks for a fast resposne!
but this only works with Rhino Cycles
and let’s say it’s a wood texture, which gets applied to many elements, some of them are good with default WCS (beams), but some need rotation (columns), in this case I would either need to do box mapping for all objects as usual, or have two materials with different WCS rotation.
I guess being able to have them Box mapped by default would be render engine agnostic and make a good starting point for adjustments where needed.

Hi Robert - you can use ApplyOCSMapping to set the coordinate system per object.



Okay, this works great! That would solve my problem if I were using Rhino Cycles, but I’m using vray which doesn’t have WCS/OCS mapping :wink: