We have a model with several linked blocks and an horizontal clipping plane. In one of the blocks there are text annotations at several heights - some above the clipping plane some below, and this block is on layer X, while the text is on Layer T.
After making the make 2d two unexpected problems occur:
The resulting text appear on …>Annotation>Layer X.
The expectation would be …>Annotation>BlockName>Layer T
All texts above the clipping plane also appear in the Make2d Layer.
The expectation would be that only the texts below the clipping plane would appear.
All texts behind surfaces appear also in the Make2D Layers
The expectation would be that they would be hidden…
Hello- thanks - I’ll see if I can reproduce this. If you have a reasonably simple example that you can post or send to tech@mcneel.com, to my attention, that would be helpful.
See file attached.
The text behind the surface, below the clipping plane appears always (it shouldn’t)
The text above the clipping plane behaves normally when the text is outside the blocks, but when the text is inside the block it appears on the Make2D.
Hi Pascal,
Thanks for creating this issue, but I think they may be two separate ones.
The one is clipped plane included in Make2D.
The other is the text in blocks appears in Make2D