Loopy line types

Hi group / support

I would like to create “loopy” lines (see image below) but i need to be able to create them easily as i want to change any vector profile I have designed into a loopy line profile, ideally i would like to select any 2d shape / curve / profile and then change it to the loopy version.
Also it would be good if i could change the radius and pitch of the loops at my command…

note the image below is for reverence anything similar in shape would work

is this possible at all?




Hi Tay
thankyou for your reply, it sort of works but i guess i forgot to say i need it in 2d.


I guess you just needs to flatten it

yes i thought that but the loops run around the curve in 3d so when looking in plan view in 2d they only look like zig-zags not loops.

Another way is to draw one piece and then array it on curves

yes this is possible but i want to keep it simple as i might use it alot and the 2d curves i want it to run round could be quite complex.
I am hoping i can somehow create custom line types or similar then it is just a case of clicking a couple of buttons to convert.

Short answer: you can’t.

Either work with Rhino’s native history tools or you will need something like Grasshopper or a script.

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Hi Adrian -

We have a request for user-defined linetypes on the list as RH-29232. I’ve added your vote.

Hi Wim
thankyou, i think it is a great feature that could be easily implemented into Rhino.

Regards adrian

Hi Adrian -

We don’t mind you creating a plug-in that does this.

Hi Wim
I wish i could but i don’t know how :frowning: