January 20, 2020, 4:35am
I have a need for different line styles which has produced a series of questions. Let me start with a couple:
Is they any way to synchronize print and display. Here I have an example from Rhino and the resulting PDF. The dashed lines are quite different.
Is there any way to scale line types differently in the same file?
Is there any way to create a line with, say, crosses?
#2 - this has been asked for for awhile, but not implemented yet. Best you can do is make new line types by scaling the originals.
Here is a script that should facilitate doing this:
AddScaledLinetype.py (1.7 KB)
#3 - no, not as a linetype currently (as far as I know).
(Wim Dekeyser)
January 20, 2020, 10:47am
Is there any way to create a line with, say, crosses?
Hi - This one is on the wishlist as item RH-29232 . I’ve added your request to that item.
(Steve Baer)
January 20, 2020, 7:23pm
You should be able to get linetypes to display correctly if you use Layouts/Details and print display. Layouts know the size of the destination print and can compute appropriate linetype scales because of this.