Leaves algorithm

Hi all,
I would like to found/create an algorithm to generate this kind of leaves patern with grasshopper with smaller and bigger pipe and tree structure inside.
If you have any idea or recources to start with it would be wonderfull !

Capture d'écran 2023-12-04 163150Capture d'écran 2023-12-04 163133Capture d'écran 2023-12-04 163104Capture d'écran 2023-12-04 163044

Thank you in advance,
Have a good afternoon !

I’m not sure, but similar effects could potentially be achieved with the space colonization algorithm. :wink:

And search for Venation on old grasshopper3d forum

parakeet has a few venation components. If you know java maybe you can do something with that: GitHub - jasonwebb/2d-space-colonization-experiments: Visual experiments exploring space colonization as a 2D morphogenesis tool.

Space colonization (2D) experiments in JavaScript (jasonwebb.github.io)

Thank you, Just found also this one that look really interesting :
Leaf venation using anemone - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum

This attempt was not very successful :smiley:

The best implementation so far is from Nervous System.