L systems with rabbit plug in

Continuing the discussion from Leaves algorithm:

Base on this link I found a plug in named rabbit to generate L-System structures
L system.gh (32.0 KB)
L-Systems: Creating 2D Branching Structures - MORPHOCODE

Capture d'écran 2023-12-06 120938

The problem is that I don’t get how to convert formula in grasshopper
L-System manual (paulbourke.net)
main.dvi (algorithmicbotany.org)
On this two link there is a lot of formulas such as this ones that I would like to generate in grasshopper :

Hi all,
I just discovered rabbit plug in to create L system tree, it work very well but when it come to leaves I got a problem and the formulas dosn’t work.

Here grasshopper files
Leave algorithm 1.gh (15.4 KB)

Here L system data :
L-System manual (paulbourke.net)

Here the design I would like to achieve but i’m not abble to :

Thank you in advance !