I’ve been having trouble getting some technical views on my layouts to print the hidden lines correctly. It appears fine in the layout view, but when printing, the scale of the dashed/hidden lines is completely different. I’ve tried playing around with the “Linetype and Line Widths” settings in the print dialogue for printing as a Rhino PDF, but there has been no change at all. Printing as a raster fixes the issue, but I lose the benefits of a vector drawing, and I would prefer to print everything as a vector PDF.
The problem is the same with dashed lines. However, I can turn off “Use Model Units” in the line type settings so the dashed lines print correctly as a vector. Because there is currently no feature to select a line type for the technical view to use for hidden lines (you only get the default line type), I can’t solve the problem by changing the hidden line type to a kind with “Use Model Units” off. Additionally, I want to avoid using make2d to fix this problem, and I would prefer to be able to extract this information from the 3d model.
I can get what I’m looking for by using clipping sections with “Background” and “AddHidden” turned on since I can control the line type in the layers panel, but it would still be nice to have some way to do it within the technical display mode. Any help sorting this out is greatly appreciated.
I’ve attached my 3dm, screenshots, and PDFs of what I’m referencing here. The problem occurs everywhere I try to print the technical view. For this example, the callout detail I drew has this problem.
Technical View Issues.pdf (713.9 KB)