Layout Mode Question


I am a extreme noob, wanting to make plan drawings from a Rhino 3D model. How do you in page layout mode, extract the curves and lines needed from the model for drafting without altering the actual model?

Any help is greatly appreciated

Maybe try Make2D? --Mitch

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Typically you use Make2d when you’re in modelspace and then you can view the 2d geometry through a detail in layout space or you can MOVE it to layout space using the ChangeSpace command. A finished construction document is often a combination of elements in model space and layout space. For example, you can have your basic geometry (the geometry that was generated by the Make2d command) in model space and then you can trace over parts of that geometry with a heavier line in layout space… and you can dimensions and put your notes in layout space. There’s flexibility here, though. Some people keep everything in model space and never use layout space. Here is a webinar that you may find helpful:

There may be others that are more recent.

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