Layers organisation in Rhino lost

Just trying V3. I find when making plans that layers organisation is lost. All the elements in the plan are all one layer. In V2, elements in the 2D plan and the 3D were link and there parent layer were kept. Same when exporting. I usually work with Illustrator afterward and the layer organisation is totally lost. I tried changing with the plan setting parameter be it per object or per layer but still the same problem

Hi @MISSEOU_Ayele ,
are you sure you have the VisualARQ template loaded? That contains the usual layers.

Yes. I have the usual layers. The problem is not with the layer but when making 2D plan drawings, the plan is only on layer. When I export it in Illustrator for exemple, the walls, the doors, the windows etc. are all one layer. In V2, you still kept the layer organisation when exporting so you could work with each layer separately.

Hi @MISSEOU_Ayele the objects layer should be preserved in 2D plan and section views. If this doesn’t work for you, please share a sample file we can revise.

plan view layers (1)

This is my problem currently. As you can see, the layers of plan and the model are not connected at all. And all the plan is on one layer, the one it was create on. How to share the sample file?

Hi @MISSEOU_Ayele from your gif, everything works as expected. The plan view acts as a block, where it can be located in a layer, but the geometry inside it are in other layers. In that case, the plan view is on the layer “default”, but the geometry inside it (for the 2D geometry of walls, doors, etc) are located in their corresponding layers.

On your gif the layer betwen the 3D model and the 2D plan are connected. Meaning when you hide the wall layer for exemple, it affects the 2D plan too. The walls disappeared in the 3D model AND 2D plan. But me when I hide the wall layer, it only hide it the 3D model. The 2D plan is not linked at all.

Ok. Can you share your file? If you update the plan view (with the _vaUpdate command), after hiding the Walls Layer, do the walls hide also in the 2D plan view?

Test.3dm (5.4 MB)
_vaUpdate is not the solution because if I made the plan while on the wall layer, when I hide the wall layer it hides the wall in 3D and the plan too, because all the plan is on the wall layer. It sounds like VisualARQ 3 is consolidating 2D plan elements into a single layer when generating the 2D representation, rather than maintaining each object’s original layer affiliation from the 3D model. All elements are flattened into a single layer without a direct link back to their original layers.
I can’t work like that because after I make I export it in Illustrator and fine tune layer by layer which I could do with VisualARQ2. Now everything is on one layer, no good.

In the 2D plan settings, you can’t set objects by parent like in VisualARQ2. It’s been replace by “by Object”? in VisualARQ3 but it doesn’t work for me at the moment.

Hi @MISSEOU_Ayele,

Yes, that’s true and the expected behavior. But in your file, the 2D plan view in on the layer “default”:

It’s not like this. Consider the Plan view as a Rhino block, where all the 2D geometry inside it is like the geometry inside blocks. They may have the attributes By parent (so they will check the attributes of the plan view object, or have their own attributes.)

The 2D geometry inside the plan view preserves the layers of the 3D objects they represent. If you hide the layer “Walls” or “Doors” in your file, you will see that both walls and doors hide in 3D and in the plan view. You may need to update the plan view to see the changes.

plan view layers