What is the latest version of Rhino available to users? As of the date of this post, 18 March 2021, is it V7.5 or V7.4? Advice is given that a problem is fixed in V 7.5 and the user should download it and the user replies that they have V 7.4 which their system says is the latest version. Which is the latest version? The short answer is both.
Currently (18 March 2021) V 7.5 is available as a Service Release Candidate. The current Service Release is V 7.4 which was released on .9 March 2021
Service Release Candidates are usually released every Tuesday. Service Releases are usually released on the second Tuesday of every month. The V 7.5 Service Release should be released on Tuesday, 13 April 2021.
From the link above:
To subscribe to Service Release Candidates, follow the platform-specific instructions below.
Rhino for Windows
- Start Rhino
- From the Tools menu, click Options
- In the Options dialog box, click Updates and Statistics
- From the Update Frequency drop-down box, select Service Release Candidate
- Click OK
Rhino for Mac
- Launch Rhino for Mac.
- Navigate to Rhinoceros > Preferences > General
- In the Updates section, from the Update Frequency drop-down box, select Service Release Candidate
- Click Check Now