I would like to install Karamba 3 WIP on macOS, but can only find the .msi install on Github.
Furthermore, how can I run Karamba on RhinoWIP, I cannot find it in the package manager.
Also, the versions on the package manager and on Github seem to be out of sync (different version numbers)…
Hi, the version 3 is only in beta a the moment and will not be released on the Package Manager until it is more stable. We have not tested on Rhino WIP on a mac, but on Windows, Karamba should run without issues. We will check the versions on the package manager and github.
You need to copy the installation files found in the Karamba directory C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\Plug-ins to C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins. Then drag and drop the karamba.gha onto the grasshopper canvas.
The license can be installed in Rhino Options > Plugins > Install and add the Karamba3D_LicensePlugin_Rhino7.rhp file
Hi @rudolf.neumerkel,
we will do this as soon as possible.
The MAC version will come after the Windows version since we want to switch to a native silicon version for the C++ core on MAC.
– Clemens
For my machine, it worked. For a student who tried to do the same, it did not work for some reason. Could you publish the Karamba 2.2 version on the package manager for the RH8 version as well?
Many students are working with the RH8 version, because it is native for AppleSilicon…
I published the current version of Karamba3D as YAK prerelease packages for RH7 and RH8. In order to see them enable the display of prereleases in the Package manager.
On Github installer files for RH6, RH7 and RH8 are available.
I will try to put together the MAC version as soon as possible.
If Intel’s MKL is available for Silicon ARM then it should not be such a big task. If not I have to first look for an alternative solver which might take a while.
– Clemens
You first have to install Karamba3D via the package manager. However, here is what i have observed:
When you install Karamba3D via the package manager on RH8 on an Intel Mac everything works fine. On an AppleSilicon Mac it only works with Rosetta in RH7. In RH8 you get the error message
Exception System.IO.FileLoadException:
Message: Could not load file or assembly 'karamba, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
I guess that means that Karamba has to be recompiled for ApplleSilicon, which Clemens is looking into rn and will apparently also depend on if Intel MKL is available for ARM.
My basic research concluded, that it is not available for now (?). Maybe @curtisw has some tricks up his sleeve? Do you have more information? Are there alternatives?
Could you in the meantime compile Karamba 3.0 for Intel Macs, or is this a big act? I am using / teaching it constantly, and it would be great to have the newest version / features.
@rudolf.neumerkel, I will try my best to come up with a new Intel-MAC version as soon as possible. I have to solve first some issues which surfaced in the Windows version of K3D 3.0.6.
– Clemens