Kangaroo physics

I downloaded Kangaroo Physics but dont know how to configure the folders to make it work on a Mac; any info is appreciated…

check this thread:

thanks, although my Kangaroo app works fine after installing Rhino6 WIP; its in the menu bar. Kangaroo Physics is a separate plug that has to be added manually along with ZombieKangaroo and its not clear how that is done, so I posted it to the Grasshopper Forum page and will see if that solves it…thanks.

Are you thinking of the old version of the plugin? There is a Zombie solver component that comes with the version in Rhino 6. If there is some example definition using the old Kangaroo you are interested in please let me know and I’ll try and show how to do it with the current one.

the Zombie plain is included but not the Kangaroo Physics part. It looks like it needs an extra set of files

There isn’t a separate component called ‘Kangaroo Physics’, that’s just the name of the plugin. What are you trying to model?

Physics has a pressure and gravity function/command in it that allows for weight and pressure to be a factor when hanging something in free space, like a blanket or a scrim. see the basic Kangaroo tutorial for a description

just a heads up @bip

the guy you’re talking to (@DanielPiker) is the dude that wrote/developed Kangaroo…

so maybe better to listen to what he has to say as opposed to trying to explain Kangaroo to him.


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Can you be more specific about which Kangaroo tutorial you’re thinking of?

of course, my apologies…

Hello Dan,

ok, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it…this may be a bit over my pay grade but its the software I have been looking for since 2007…!

the video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToHLlEGvhqA&t=509s

and if you check at 6:25, they show the Utility drop down menu and there is among the options SpringfromMesh, Gravity, and WindMesh that are not available or visible on my menu bar in the Kangaroo2 I just downloaded. I may be looking in the wrong place but when I type these commands, it doesn’t show in as any of the options available under K/GH…

I shld mention tat from what I see and know, this is a brilliant software and opens up unlimited possibilities in architecture and sculpture particularly. you can see why if you check out my IG page “bipmix”

The tutorial you are talking about is the one with an old version Kangaroo.
With the new Kangaroo2, it can be done more easily.
You can find similar example files with K2 from here.

After 13:05 of the tutorial, is not the author explaining the same thing using K2? You just need to refer to it.

yes, that seems to answer the question…! thanks a million for all the help from everybody; as always, your help desk is the best…much appreciated and thanks to Master Dan for s brilliant job…!
just one question:why were the definitions changed from KPhysics in the K2 integration? it seems easier to understand the old way…

As time goes by, everything changes. Adaptation is a matter of your choice.:wink:

Which part is less understandable? - do you mean the names of the components?
I’m open to changes if they would make things clearer, though fear changes after people have got used to the current names would only cause more confusion.
It’s a challenge naming things in a way that makes sense for all the contexts they are used in. For instance I changed ‘Spring’ to ‘Length’ because in K2 it can also be used for more geometric constraint solving type applications, where the latter would be more common terminology.

K2 is far easier to use and construct.

thanks for all the help, much appreciated, and kudos on a great a product, really brilliant!

to be honest, I am not qualified or know enough to be commenting at this point. I am just happy to have figured out that the solution is in there and that all I have to do is learn the functions. The only thing that comes to mind is the use of Gravity on one component in KP, which is self-explanatory. So is WindForce, but you must have reasons for naming functions and how to communicate the tags, so if it is working the way you intended, don’t change. and thanks again!