Does KP work on Mac and if so, how do yo install it after having installed the WIP and regular Kangaroo?
Hi @bip,
Kangaroo2 is included in the latest RhinoWIP 6 and it might already be included in the latest Rhino 5 for Mac as well, but I’m not sure.
Simply check, if a folder, named kangaroo242 or something similar, lives in your Grasshopper Components Folder. The Components Folder can be accessed in Grasshopper like this:
If it doesn’t include the folder with both essential library files, Kangaroo2.gha and KangarooSolver.dll inside, Kangaroo isn’t installed. Both library files might be installed without the folder, which is also okay.
To install Kangaroo 2, make sure to download the latest version, uncompress it, and move the extracted folder into the Components Folder. Again, the files Kangaroo2.gha and KangarooSolver.dll need to inside!
After restarting Rhino, you should now see the Kangaroo 2 tab inside Grasshopper.
The Kangaroo2 is installed and working, but the Physics plugin is not and when I did what you suggested, I end up in an empty Library folder. Fyi, the only folder with files in it is the Settings folder.
Kangaroo2 is Kangaroo Physics… it’s included with the WIP… (you don’t have to install anything)
what functionality do you think you’re missing?
I can’t install springs from lines, and the solver kangaroo physics (author daniel piker)
Seems like a component from a legacy Kangaroo version. Instead of installing an older Kangaroo, I’d try to convert the workflow in question to Kangaroo 2. The components your probably looking for are EdgeLengths or Length(Line).