As a Rhino third-party developer, it is time to get ready for Rhino 7.
With nearly 50,000 Rhino 7 WIP users, we expect this to be the most popular Rhino yet.
We expect Rhino 6 plugins to run in Rhino 7, but installers may need to be updated. The Rhino 7 SDKs and developer tools are ready. That means no more breaking changes. Do not wait for Rhino 7 to ship before you finalize your Rhino 7 application.
To get ready for Rhino 7, please:
- Download the Rhino 7 WIP
- Test your application in Rhino 7.
- Publish your plugin to the new package manager for quick and easy installation in Rhino and Grasshopper.
- Update the information on Food4Rhino
- Announce your plugin on the Rhino 7 Plugins forum to get feedback from customers. There are already many users ready to start field testing immediately.
Please post any questions about this transition to our Rhino Developer Forum…
Also, be aware of some new Rhino 7 features and enhancements that may affect you:
- SubD modeling and editing - new geometry type.
- Rhino.Inside - Your Rhino plugin will likely run in other applications like Revit, Unity, Unreal, BricsCAD. There are also live links to Archicad, and Tekla avalable. This could be a huge opportunity for you.
- QuadRemesh - Now Rhino can convert Meshes > SubDs > NURBS and back again using the new quadmesh tools.
- Rendering Framework is now available through RhinoCommon
- RhinoCommon can now export files - to all supported types
- Much more …