I would love to hear opinion from others - is upgrade to Rhino 7 from 6 necessary if we are using only Grasshopper.
I don’t know exactly what’s happening underneath, but could it be possible, we will lose some of the plugins because of updates to Rhino’s 7 Grasshopper, which won’t be available to us.
I think I saw something like this for Rhino 6, were GH was having small incremental updates, and I had to update Rhino, if I wanted to use some specific plugin’s newest version.
Thank you for your opinion/knowledge regarding this!
GrasshopperPlayer and grasshopper based native Rhino commands
Package Manager installs missing components without a restart.
I think this list is not complete since has SubD components if I am not wrong.
You could continue for life with your current version as it is using obsolete versions of GH plugins, but that way you don’t contribute to improving the tools you use, and if you don’t have the latest or the best, you will end up losing competitiveness professionally.