Issues to connect url textures to shape diver material

Goog Morning support team,

I have a few days trying to upload a plane where yu could could change betwen diferent textures.

But i have problems with the conection with the material. I like to use a value list and add the url of the textures there.

I ve seen somethig like that in this shapediver tutorial

but the first problem is with the url of the textures, they have tree errors in the legacy display
here is my grasshopper file (87.0 KB)

Thanks in advance

Everything works as expected when I open your file locally:

Did you update the ShapeDiver plugin to the latest version? Can you give details about the error you are getting from the display component? Also, why are you using the Legacy Display component instead of the newer glTF 2.0 Display? You might be able to solve the issue by doing this switch.

Sorry I send you an old version

With the bitmap works correctly, but not whit a url texture (90.8 KB)

The url you are using does not include the Content-Length header and is therefore not supported by the plugin.

In your case, the link you are using is a google link pointing to another one:

If you use this one, it works as expected. In general, if the url includes the file extension (eg .jpg), it is a good sign.

Hi there, Itry with different links, and I haven`t got any results.

I send you the file with the links. I cant use the gitf way because the alpha texture doesnt work.

Im a bit desperate, im quite new and i cant find the solution.

My final goal is get that a texture input named COLOR (90.9 KB)
works in the material so I could change online.

Thanks in advance

In the glTF Material, you need to use a bitmap texture with an alpha channel, and not a separate transparency texture like in the Legacy Material. This should make it more convenient and matches the standard glTF 2.0 material definition. You can read more about materials here.

When you use textures, you can always modulate their color by also inputting a color swatch in the base color factor input.

Hi Mathieu, thanks

I understand, the issue is that I want to repalce the texture, not only change the color.

Is there any way to do that, I try with the text input

Now im trying with the import bitmap but i have porblems with the URl, I attach a screenshot

And the file (92.5 KB)

Thanks in advance

When I open your definition, all the URLs of textures work as expected for me, except for this one:

The error thrown by the component is likely not right, but my guess is that the texture is too big (your account is likely limited to 4MB per texture file). Please try with a smaller file.