Issue downloading geometry sent via email by ShapeDiver

Hi all

When attempting to download 3dm files sent to my email via our ShapeDiver script I am recieving the following message:

{“error”:“SdResourceGoneError”,“desc”:“The requested resource is no longer available”,“message”:null}

Any ideas why?



Does the model load on the platform and create any geometry for export? Did the email export work before? Any more information as well as model link would help us to troubleshoot this.

Hi Pavol

Yes the model provides geometry for output. The link can be found here:



The models works fine on the platform. I tried couple of configurations and also sent you a few exports.

Does this error appear on the ShapeDiver platform or in embedded model in your JavaScript application?

I am receiving the emails via the embedded model on our web page. However, when I click on the received link to download to my machine, the error message occurs in my browser.

I’m really sorry but you discovered a bug, the email export links should last for 1 week. Thank you for reporting the issue and my apologies for any inconvenience. We are working on a fix which will be rolled out in coming days.

@oscar4 the problem with email exports has been solved. Please let me know if you have any issues.