Isocurves are gone in Rhino 8?!

Why are Isocurves turned off by default in object properties if I have them on globally in the current viewport mode? How do I permanently turn them on? I do not wish to turn them on individually for each new created surface.
I have also seen a thread on this forum about Rhino 8 WIP and isocurves turned off by default for planar surfaces. For me it doesn’t seem to be the case, both planar and non planar srf lack isocurves


there is an new option …

Isocurve Settings / show for planar Faces

you ll find it here:

x Shaded
xx Objects
xxx Surface Isocurve settings
__ Checkbox Show for planar Faces


I have this option on. I have checked every option in the settings but no matter what a newly created object has the isocurves turned off in object properties.

Try with another geometry like cylinder, box might no have isos.

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Unfortunately it’s not the case

you have to check both
show isocurves (general setting - show them yes / no)
show for flat faces

show for flat faces on it s on will do nothing

Properties shows the isocurve setting unchecked…? Am I seeing clearly?


I think the issue is that by default it gets unchecked with new created objects. Not on my end tho.

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Yes, that is the problem, it is set like that by default. Global setting seem to not affect object properties. Each newly created object has this box unchecked even though isocurves are turned on in global settings

That could be the problem - @Filip_Prec1 That setting is in Options (Settings) > General.





Thank you :pray:

this is quite a mess - to have related settings at 3 different locations…
quite sure this will cause some work for support and teachers

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Yep, I know, confusing, and it’s been like this for a while - not new in V8… well, the planar surface part is, but that seems less problematic. My inclnation is that the setting in General has become superfluous with the display mode controls that has been aadded over the years.


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I didn’t face this issue in V6 or V7 so I got utterly confused.
But to be fair, as confusing as it is, it’s also actually beneficial to have this level of ux customisation. I am very particular about how I like the interface and I am glad to have the display mode controls. But someone who is just starting out may feel lost in the display mode settings and a simple single checkmark in the general settings is absolutely enough for them. So having both settings is adequate.

Reorganizing the settings seems like the right thing to do. Maybe create a “general category” in View in the settings and have display modes settings in an “advanced category”?

what I would love to see is a mouse-over info on settings.
the slicer cura does a great job with this, if you hover over an item it will tell you what the setting is about and which settings are dependent on it…
of course it would be great if those infos include links to the other settings.

so maybe it is more a question about how to inform / help the user, not about which settings to offer.
for me it is fine to have those 3 isocurve settings - but the information how they depend on each other is missing / should be available.

Yes, that is kind of where I ended up , chatting with others here - the potentially conflicting Properties/Display modes are both useful… so we need some better, clearer, information to appear at the right places.



as written above - i like the concept of ultimaker cura, a fly-out gives the infos to the setting.
affected by…

I think it would be a great idea to have this new File > Properties > View > Display Modes > Shaded > Objects > Surfaces: “Show for flat faces” option be turned on by default. Those of us coming to Rhino 8 from previous versions of Rhino will wonder what’s going on now with isocurves, Google search the problem, find this thread, read about this new option that is super buried in the properties, turn it on, then get back to work. That’s exactly what happened to me and I wonder about the merit of having this turned off by default?


I agree “Show for flat faces” should be on by default.