Is there anyway to reduce a rhino file that won't load at start up?

Someone please help!!!
I knew my rhino file was getting huge and was starting to lag, so I started turning a lot of the meshes into proxies and deleting things that I no longer need in the scene.

However, my filed of 114MB that used to open decently is reduced to 96.5MB and won’t open at all anymore! I made a lot of changes that aren’t backed up on a separate file.

Is there anyway to reduce the size of the file without needing to open it???

Hi - what happens when you try to open that file?
Also, do you have the Create backup (*.*BAK) files when saving or exporting option enabled?

Yes, I do! But, I can’t seem to open any of the files. I even have an older file I was using a couple hours before I renamed and saved another copy that won’t open either. I get stuck on a black loading page, until it grays out unresponsive. Nothing goes past this screen for me.

Hi - what happens when you try to launch Rhino in safe mode and then open a file?

I didn’t think about that! I just tried it and unfortunately, I am stuck on an unresponsive page again.

Hi - is it possible to post such file? You can upload it on this page if you want:

Make sure to copy the link to this thread in the Comments field.

Yes, I can! Just uploaded it. Thanks!