Is there a mapping between Surface and UV mapping?

Hi Hannes,
You can imagine planar mapping and also the default UV layout as preset states of the flattened UV mesh.
But this secondary representation of your render-mesh can actually take any form you wish.

Inside the UV-Editor you can use any of Rhinos tool to deform the Vertex-Layout of the flattened UV mesh – this will consequently drive the texture appearance on your Nurbs model. I used Maelström on the UV-mesh to illustrate the case – using similar principles you should be able to massage the mesh vertices to the locations you need for your model.

In case your model is a polysurface you could create a somewhat simplified single-surface-version of your model or create a mesh representation of the model inside any mesh modeller and use this geometry to drive the texture projection via the Custom Object option – it’s essentially a texture baking operation between objects with deviating (render) mesh vertex count. Hope this helps a bit.

Grüße aus Kreuzberg, Holger