I have an OBJ object that has a texture mapped on it (created using photogrammetry fbx and converted to OBJ) imported into rhino.
What i am trying to achieve as a final project is to be able to 3d print this teapot with some geometry and extrusions of the patterns (flower, dragon etc) on the tea pot.
The approach i am trying to take is by opening up the UVEditor and drawing my lines/extrusions on the texture file area. Then try to wrap this geometry (lines/extrusions) onto the teapot using the same “transformations” that have been applied to map the texture onto the teapot.
Is this possible?
Is there a better way to achieve what i am trying to get for my 3d print end results?
I have tried both methods and squish squishback works the best! Thanks for your help.
Just one last question, when i squish a mesh in rhino, the mesh is flattened to its real size. But when i type UVEditor, it asks me to draw a rectangle and the texture shown is relative to the size of the rectangle drawn.
Is there a way to get a accurate sizing for when i use the UVEditor command?