Irregular Triangle Packing?

Not trying to replicate this piece exactly but I do like how the triangles often meet at mid points. This was clearly handmade but I’m trying to take a crack at it in Grasshopper.

I created perforations below with delaunay triangulation but it doesn’t feel as organic, I don’t quite like how the points all meet at points. It’s too clean. I have RhinoNEST and RhinoCAM Nest, both are pretty powerful and I could generate several thousand triangles and give it an hour to optimize them into one sheet. I feel like that would get me pretty close and I could finagle the awkward gaps by hand, creating 4 sides polygons where needed (as in the above) but I’m not ready to give up on pure computation just yet.

Would appreciate appreciate any advice anyone can lend. Thanks

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There could be many ways.
Here I draw some triangles, rotate then then pack them very bad (number of pixels = 50)

Better packing (number of pixels = 500)

Then some Gilbert Tessellation to cut …
nesting (21.8 KB)


Maybe this help you, with Voronoi and NGon

tri (8.7 KB)


That is very interesting, thank you linking the video and gh but I’m curious about NGon 2.0 as I can only find NGon 1.0. Where did you download it? Food 4 Rhino has 1.0 listed as the most recent.


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Did you download the latest version from food4rhino?

It should be the one there on food4rhino. I think maybe @Petras_Vestartas might have either called it NGon 2 in the plug-in on accident or labeled it on F4R as 1.0 on accident.

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Just notice that there’s changes in the component compared as shown in the video… image

Just download the ngon plugin from food for rhino and open example files. I believe I documented these components.

I used old version; the new version have more components

I install the new version and i got the same error message, and the the 2 components don’t work like the old one

Can you open example files? I believe these components were work in progress at that time as I was helping my master students for their semester projects. Also if you have old version send the file, I can update your gh definition if it is not possible by you.

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Ok I see your video I will add output to the component.


I tried with the example but didn’t work with Delaunay mesh created from random points.
the file with the video and width is missing

@Petras_Vestartas @anon39580149 Thanks Petras. Do either you or Seghier have the older version in easy reach I could use in the mean time?

I have updated the ngon plugin and uploaded on food4rhino:

You can find sample file there: