March 22, 2019, 1:20am
Good evening everyone,
I am looking to create a facade exactly like the metal paneling in the visual precedent. I am new to grasshopper and I hope someone would be able to point me in the right direction. The panels seem to be randomized and continuous around the corners.
Thank you and I appreciate your time.
maybe random offset ; creating regions and contour in some regions
i don’t think everything must be done with grasshopper , you can use rhino
Welcome to the forum
You could use Gilbert tessellations with cracks beginning on the border
After some works on Gilbert Tessellations
I found some problems with my script, the logic was not very good to handle multiple cracks and curve in general (not just lines). It was quite long to find the good algorithm. Here is one version, that I am pretty happy with. Not very fast but it seems to work. The logic is quite simple.
Take curves, says that a curve represant the trajectory of a crack, this crack begins at the start point of the curve, it goes at constant velocity and continue unt…