Hi guys,
so i got some help on here with this script the other day and due to my inexperience with it all, im back again for some help with the next stage.
So the script currently spawns a few different geometry’s within a boundary for me. But the issue is some of these geometry’s will collide with each other. I have been learning circle packing to try and deal with this issue but just keep running into issues when i try and apply the logic to the geometry’s i require to use
I would like to pack the boundary with a lot of these geometry’s but as i increase the quantity, so does the number of intersecting points.
does anyone know where i might be going wrong here?
random_molecules 2.gh (33.9 KB)
you could try Wordle tool from my Nautilus plugin.
Here 4778 objects.
If there is an offset the distance could be augmented, 3118 object here
The advantage of the tool is that you can use a more complex geometry for the rendering. It places flat meshes but just output the positions.
I can’t guarantee that there are no collisions.
And if you want to keep the same percentage of object set False to RndObj so the algorithm will try to place the first object in list then the second then the third … at random place if RndPlace is set to true.
If RndPlace is false, it is less nice and trys must be augmented to fill
with 4000000 trys, 5138 objects
Number of objects per group
Ratio is correct
random_molecules Wordle.gh (36.7 KB)
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Wow! thankyou so much! Genuinely massive help!
Im glad to see i was at least using a couple of the right components but looking at this i think its fair to say i doubt i would have gotten there any time soon haha
I have just downloaded you plugin and am looking forward to learning how to use this!
Just out of interest as iv noticed it done a few times on this forum. When you attach your screenshots, how do you attach the model space output to the screenshot as an overlay?
I am glad if it is useful.
The subject of packing is wide. OpenNest is a very good packing tool but it is not really intended to outputs random (nice) packing. But as my tool is based on pixels it could miss thin shapes. So an offset could help.
The inputs of Wordle are in 2D but you could have a sheet of whatever shape.
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There is a tool inside Grasshopper
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I had a feeling there must be as everyone’s screenshots had the same layout! thanks again for you’re help
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